A Bipolar Junction Transistor is a three terminals active semiconductor device formed by two back-to-back p-n junctions. The three terminals are labeled base, emitter and collector. Its main function is the current amplification between the collector or emitter currents and the base current.
There are 2 types of Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), the NPN and the PNP.
There are 3 configurations for the circuits with a single Bipolar Junction Transistor. They are the common emitter, common base and common collector circuits.
Analyse the BJT Common Emitter Amplifier
Analyse the BJT Common Collector Amplifier
Analyse the BJT Common Base Amplifier
Configuration Characteristics | ||||
Common Emitter | Common Collector | Common Base | ||
Input | Base | Base | Emitter | |
Output | Collector | Emitter | Collector | |
Input/Output Phase relationship | 180o | 0o | 0o | Voltage Gain | Medium | Unity | High |
Current Gain | Medium | High | Unity | |
Input Impedance | Medium | High | Low | |
Output Impedance | Medium | Low | High |